Custom Offsites & Retreats
Karaka Tavli Talk (The Whole Alphabet™)
We speak to leaders and innovators across many industries to have conversations around whole living, positive psychology, lifestyle, leadership, wellbeing and many more topics.
Our TAVLI Talk series is posted to YouTube and conducted 4 times a year.
If you would like to join us as a guest on Tavli Talk or nominate someone, please reach out directly via email:
February 18th, 2022
May 20th, 2022
August 19th, 2022
November 18th, 2022
Let’s elaborate on Vina’s TEDx talk topic of the Alphabet and how she used the symbolic comparison of the letters and characters of the alphabet coming together to cause meaning/significance. Vina believes that this direct parallel is how humanity should function. We’re all different yet come together to cause individual and collective significance.
Karaka “ 4 The Whole”
You are the ‘whole’, so let’s connect the dots and do things ‘4 the WHOLE™’. Nobody is aiming for perfection. Here, however, once we experience wholeness it becomes something we don’t want to drop the ball on!
Our pillars already exude ‘wholeness’ by encompassing each pillar our lives touch. Join us and experience as we practice each pillar in person and form a community that does things ‘4 the WHOLE™’.
You come from the whole, to give back to the whole! We’ve named this retreat ‘4 the whole™’ because it is both for you as the whole and our surroundings. A Collective Significance, if you will. Self, Surroundings, Sphere - Collective Significance.
Bring this signature service as an event, talk or retreat to your organization, community, or members.
For details on how to book and organize this event or retreat with us
Karaka ‘Offsite 4 Insight’
InSight on yourself….who you are, how you are, what makes you whole? What makes you happy? What makes you healthy? It is a very intimate question and we would love for you to answer it authentically, with no “outside” influences, who are you really?
We’ve named this event or retreat ‘OffSite 4 InSight™’ because it is a journey to get you started on self-discovery, self-care to build upon the skills and techniques which allow you to integrate practices for your Authentic Self to shine!
Bring this signature service as an event, talk or retreat to your organization, community, or members.
For details on how to book and organize this event or retreat with us
Get your teammates, friends, and community members together to form some InSight.
Karaka ‘On Top of 4 Pillars’
Staying ‘On Top of 4 Pillars™’ takes commitment, devotional time and practice, practice, practice.
Join us as we facilitate your event or retreat by introducing you to the details that make you integrate your balancing and wellbeing activities into your routines.
We will go on a journey through the 4 Pillars of Karaka - LEAD, LOVE, LIFE, HEALTH.
We’ve named this event or retreat ‘On Top of 4 Pillars™’, because being on top of things, starts with you being the leader in your own life and having the wellbeing lens of a holistic existence (LEAD, LOVE, LIFE, HEALTH).
Bring this signature service as an event, talk or retreat to your organization, community, or members.
For details on how to book and organize this event or retreat with us
The Whole Alphabet™
What can we say about the famous The Whole Alphabet™ and as an example of one of the Alphabet letter we have the 4C’s of Karaka (Choices, Chances, Changes, Character)™. It is very EMPOWERING.
We’ve built this leadership and wellbeing model to empower ‘YOU’. Let GO of the concept that empowerment is brought to you by others, in our terms that is called support and collaboration. Empowerment happens and is a SELF-made deal, starting with SELF, but understanding that self-actualization only happens when a Collective Significance has meaning.
You first have to sign that ‘empowerment’ contract with yourself. It is not outside of you.
Bring this signature event, talk or retreat to your environment, community and empower yourself individually, for then to ‘Cause a Collective Significance’.
For details on how to book and organize this event or retreat with us